Labo Équité Climat will be developing a kit containing a variety of tools that promote equity in adaptation. The idea behind this kit is to offer tools for authentic dialogue on sensitive subjects as well as tools that can act as a lever for change.
The toolkit will serve as a platform for compiling a repertoire of existing tools in Quebec and for co-constructing new tools in an iterative process. To this end, we will perform literature reviews, assess the most pressing needs (in consultation with our advisory committee), and produce accounts of experiences in audio format. Workshops with adaptation players will enable the co-construction of tools. A prototype of each tool will be tested with focus groups representing the audiences concerned. Adjustments will then be made, if need be, prior to the toolkit’s finalization and distribution.
The tools in the kit could take a variety of forms, such as accounts, recommendation guides and support and reflection tools. The Labo Équité Climat team is also keen to support a more grassroot-type of development of tools.
Production of accounts of people facing the inability to adapt and of the steps being taken to respond to these situations
Review of existing tools in Quebec
Co-creation of tools together with adaptation players
The adaptation continuum
We developed our first tool—Un continuum pour soutenir la réflexion—in collaboration with public health professionals with a view to enhancing the expertise of health and social services practitioners working in adaptation. Designed to guide and stimulate reflection, the tool is presently available in French only.
Equity tools for climate change adaptation
The aim of this database is to provide a non-exhaustive inventory of existing tools for equitable adaptation to climate change. It enables users to familiarize themselves with what already exists, and to equip themselves for their own initiatives. Constantly evolving, it is enriched as new tools emerge in Quebec.
The tools listed are based on the knowledge of members of the Labo Équité Climat advisory committee, partners, the team and web research.
We have also listed tools developed outside Quebec for inspiration.
If you know of a tool that would be a good addition to our database, please fill in the form.